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West Oxfordshire District Council fights to protect The Moors in Ducklington
West Oxfordshire District Council and The Environment Agency have written an open letter to the land owners of The Moors in Ducklington advising that the flood risk to the site is to be re-evaluated which may have an impact on how many houses can be built there.

Don’t lose your vote – residents in West Oxfordshire urged to check voter registration details
West Oxfordshire residents are being urged to check their electoral registration details as the Council starts its Annual household Canvass to check everyone's voting details are up to date.

Your Place, Your Plan - make sure you have your say
Residents in West Oxfordshire are invited to share their views on plans for the development of the District up to 2041 as the Council launches its ‘Your Place, Your Plan’ consultation on Wednesday 30 August.

Incorrect battery disposal sparks Council to warn of fire risk
Following an incident at West Oxfordshire District Council's Witney depot last month, the Council is warning residents of the risk of incorrectly disposing of lithium-ion batteries as increasing numbers of fires starting in refuse and recycling vehicles and at waste sorting facilities are reported nationally.

Council supports local community groups across the district to address cost of living challenges
Twenty four community support groups in West Oxfordshire have been awarded a total of £27,840 from the Council’s Community Activity Grant to assist them in supporting vulnerable community members most affected by the cost of living crisis.

Work is happening to assess ways we can reduce Carterton Leisure Centre’s carbon footprint.
West Oxfordshire District Council is looking into replacing Carterton Leisure Centre’s gas boilers with low carbon heating, such as air source heat pumps, and installing solar PV to significantly reduce carbon emissions

Expanding electric fleet will help keep towns green and clean
The job of keeping the towns of Carterton and Woodstock clean will be greener following the purchase of two new fully electric street sweepers by West Oxfordshire District Council as the authority strives for greater sustainability to benefit the local environment and the communities it serves.

Electoral Commission subject to cyber-attack
The Electoral Commission has been the subject of a complex cyber-attack, it has announced on 9th August 2023. West Oxfordshire District Council’s systems have not been affected by the data breach.

Sports Direct opening at Marriotts Walk Witney
Sports Direct Europe’s biggest retailer of sports and fitness footwear, clothing and equipment is to open in September at Marriotts Walk Witney.

Council warns people to check with planning department before purchasing land
West Oxfordshire District Council is warning potential buyers of land in West Oxfordshire to do proper checks before purchasing land.

Further support for 'Our House' project will combat homelessness and offer assistance to young people
West Oxfordshire District Council (WODC) is continuing its support for the 'Our House' project, which provides independent living and employment-seeking support to single under-35s across the district.

Council able to provide more support for refugee guests and those facing homelessness in the district
West Oxfordshire District Council will continue its commitment to homelessness prevention by providing more support to Ukrainian individuals, families, and other refugee groups in finding permanent homes.