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New partnerships will accelerate nature and carbon-reduction projects in West Oxfordshire
Nature and landscape recovery and climate action in the district have been given a boost by new partnerships formed between West Oxfordshire District Council and local organisations Wild Oxfordshire, Wychwood Forest Trust and Low Carbon Hub.
Second-hand clothing is back in fashion this September
A national campaign encouraging people to shop for clothing second-hand and to donate anything they no longer wear is being supported by West Oxfordshire District Council this month.
More electric vehicle charging points go live as District Council drives towards low carbon transport future
Drivers of electric vehicles can now plug in and charge at West Oxfordshire District Council-owned Woolgate car park as part of a continued rollout of electric vehicle charging points (EVCP) across the district.
Executive Back on Tour in Chipping Norton
West Oxfordshire District Council’s Executive is on tour again next month as they take their 11 September Executive meeting to the Upper Hall at the Town Hall in Chipping Norton
Residents' views sought on open air markets
Residents, businesses, and stall holders in West Oxfordshire are invited to help shape the open-air markets in Chipping Norton and Witney to increase footfall, boost prosperity and enhance the visitor experience.
Council donates end-of-life laptops to the community
West Oxfordshire District Council has donated its end-of-life laptops for re-distribution by charity Getting Oxfordshire Online. Council engineers have given after giving them a new lease of life before sending on to those most in need of them.
Community Infrastructure Levy consultation begins
West Oxfordshire District Council is seeking to introduce a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for certain forms of residential and commercial development, to help fund the provision of new and improved infrastructure across the district.
West Oxfordshire District Council welcomes new Executive Member to lead on plans for the future of the district
Councillor Hugo Ashton has joined the Council’s Executive as the Executive Member for Local Plan. The change comes after Councillor Charlie Maynard stepped down from the Executive to seek election as a Member of Parliament.
West Oxfordshire District Council to introduce new Community Infrastructure Levy
The Council is looking to introduce the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) into West Oxfordshire for the first time to help fund the provision of new and improved infrastructure across the district.
Council awards funding to Abingdon and Witney College to boost local skills and support green initiatives
West Oxfordshire District Council has awarded significant funding to Abingdon and Witney College to help address local skills needs and support green skills training. The funding aims to provide valuable training opportunities that will benefit local residents and support the Government’s goal of achieving net zero emissions.
Stepping Up the Fight Against Fly-tippers in West Oxfordshire!
West Oxfordshire District Council is intensifying its efforts to combat fly-tipping with the installation of new covert cameras in rural hotspots. This significant move, led by the Rural Crime Partnership, is funded by the Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley and the Home Office’s Safer Streets initiative.
Electric vehicle trial could pave way for less polluting rubbish collections
The recent trial of a battery powered refuse vehicle by West Oxfordshire District Council could herald cleaner and quieter household waste collections in the future if successful.