Shaping up for the future
Residents in West Oxfordshire are invited to help shape the Council's leisure and wellbeing services in the future by participating in a district-wide community survey.
The survey will help the Council to gain a better understanding of our residents’ views and attitudes towards physical activity and the local leisure facilities, as well as identify any barriers that may prevent residents from being more active or stop them from using their local leisure facilities. The Council will use the results to help provide a future service that best works for local people.
Councillor Tim Sumner, Executive member for Leisure and Major Projects said, “Leisure services are essential for local communities, and provide not just physical but mental and social benefits for everyone.
“We would like to encourage more people to become and stay active and provide physical activity opportunities that are accessible, inclusive, varied and wanted by our local communities. Therefore, we would like residents to tell us what they want and expect from their council’s leisure and wellbeing services so that we can make sure services meet the needs of people today and in the future.”
Councillor Joy Aitman, Executive member for Stronger Healthy Communities said, “We want to hear from everyone, including those already participating in sport and physical activity, and those currently inactive. Your views will help the Council learn more about barriers preventing people from being active. We also want to know how residents use their local leisure centres, and what the Council can do to support and encourage people to lead more active and healthy lives.
“It takes just a few minutes to respond to the survey and it's an opportunity for everyone to have their say on the future of leisure and wellbeing provision across the district.”
The survey begins on Monday 11 December and will run until Friday 19 January 2024.
When the survey is complete, the consultants will produce a report that will help inform the council of the strategy that will be developed.
The survey can be found here - https://yourvoice.westoxon.gov.uk/en-GB/projects/physical-activity