Residents urged to provide feedback on Botley West Solar Farm proposals

Residents across West Oxfordshire are being encouraged to provide feedback to the latest public consultation on the proposed Botley West solar farm as the developers consult on detailed plans. 

Councillor Andy Graham, Leader of West Oxfordshire District Council, said, “There are a wide range of views on this proposed solar farm across West Oxfordshire which we are listening to and we hope the developers are as well. 

“We held a productive meeting with parish councils last week to help them submit feedback on behalf of their communities. I would encourage all residents to put their views into this consultation because this is their chance to influence the proposal. 

“As one of the affected planning authorities we will be carefully considering the latest proposals over the coming weeks and we will submit a response. Some of the areas that the Council will be considering will be the landscape impacts of the proposal, any impacts on heritage, and the biodiversity and ecology aspects.

“It is important that as a council we follow proper process to come to an evidence-based, properly informed decision. That way we expect it to carry more weight with the Planning Inspectorate that will decide whether to approve the plans. Once we have fully assessed the evidence we will give our views on the proposal at the appropriate point later in the process.”

The consultation is being run by developers Photovolt Development Partners (PVDP) and is open until Thursday 8 February 2024. 

Residents can find out more about the proposals and submit feedback by visiting the website There will also be a series of information events held across the district which are also promoted on the developers website.

The Botley West Solar Farm is a national level proposal being brought forward by a private developer and ultimately the Planning Inspectorate and Secretary of State will be making a decision on whether it is approved. 

The Council has previously expressed its disappointment that the proposal will bypass the local planning process, limiting input and decision-making at a local level. The steps the council will now take will be to engage further for this and future steps of the consultation, reflect on the adequacy of consultation undertaken by the developer, submit representations about the proposal to the Planning Inspectorate, and prepare a Local Impact Report at the appropriate time.


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West Oxfordshire District Council Communications Team

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