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Cllrs Graham & Ashton

West Oxfordshire District Council welcomes new Executive Member to lead on plans for the future of the district

Councillor Hugo Ashton has joined the Council’s Executive as the Executive Member for Local Plan. The change comes after Councillor Charlie Maynard stepped down from the Executive to seek election as a Member of Parliament. 

Publica Group

West Oxfordshire District Council to introduce new Community Infrastructure Levy

The Council is looking to introduce the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) into West Oxfordshire for the first time to help fund the provision of new and improved infrastructure across the district.  

Abingdon & Witney College free courses-2

Council awards funding to Abingdon and Witney College to boost local skills and support green initiatives

West Oxfordshire District Council has awarded significant funding to Abingdon and Witney College to help address local skills needs and support green skills training. The funding aims to provide valuable training opportunities that will benefit local residents and support the Government’s goal of achieving net zero emissions.