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Air Quality   -2

Air quality in West Oxfordshire continues to improve

Air quality in West Oxfordshire has improved significantly since 2005 when Air Quality Management Areas (AQMA) were declared for Witney and Chipping Norton.   The nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations in all monitored areas are now below the national objective levels and showing around a 50% reduction.  

Cllr Tim Sumner-2

District Council invests over £1million on a new football pitch in Witney

West Oxfordshire District Council has allocated over £1million of section 106 (s106) funding for a new third generation (3G) football pitch. The pitch will be located at West Witney Sports Ground to ensure grassroots football continues to grow.  

Wild Oxfordshire reptile survey 1

New partnerships will accelerate nature and carbon-reduction projects in West Oxfordshire

Nature and landscape recovery and climate action in the district have been given a boost by new partnerships formed between West Oxfordshire District Council and local organisations Wild Oxfordshire, Wychwood Forest Trust and Low Carbon Hub.