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Household waste recycling centre generic web

Dix Pit to re-open next Monday

The Dix Pit household waste recycling centre at Stanton Harcourt will reopen on Monday 18 May but residents are being urged to hold their visit unless it is absolutely essential.

Bulky waste

Full bulky waste collection service now available

Residents can now access the full bulky waste service.

Woodgreen office

Council meetings set to be streamed online

West Oxfordshire District Council is set to launch its council meetings online.

Money bag icon

Council up to speed with COVID-19 business grant payments

West Oxfordshire District Council has now paid out more than £21m in business support grants to over 1,700 businesses in the district.

Bonfire 2

Help your neighbours by not lighting bonfires

West Oxfordshire District Council has seen a major increase in complaints about bonfires in the last few weeks and is calling on residents to be more considerate of those with respiratory conditions and people in self-isolation.

Witney market

Boost for market traders after rent waived

Traders on Witney Market are operating rent-free after West Oxfordshire District Council stepped in.

Fly tipping warning

Fly-tippers pay the price in Carterton

Fly-tippers have been tracked down and penalised after an incident in Carterton.

Contaminated waste 2

Residents asked not to contaminate recycling

Residents are being urged to avoid contaminating their recycling bins with ordinary waste.

Money bag icon

Business grant awards process accelerating

Major progress is being made in processing Government grants for eligible businesses across the District.

Asda bring site closed 2

Asda closes ‘bring site’ in Carterton

The ‘bring site’ recycling facility at Asda in Carterton has closed.

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Work continues apace to deliver business support grants to coronavirus-affected West Oxfordshire businesses

West Oxfordshire District Council is making significant progress in its efforts to ensure all eligible businesses receive the government’s business support grants. 


Residents urged to use digital channels during coronavirus crisis

West Oxfordshire District Council is calling on residents to consider how they get in touch while social distancing measures are in place.