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Publica Group

West Oxfordshire and Cherwell district councils to work together to develop a two unitary option for local government reorganisation in Oxfordshire

Cherwell District Council and West Oxfordshire District Council Executives have written a joint letter to Government in response to the Government’s request for an interim plan on local government reorganisation in Oxfordshire.


Council helps to establish new habitat bank at Pudlicote Farm

West Oxfordshire District Council is set to work with partners to create a habitat bank at Pudlicote Farm near Chipping Norton in a big step forwards for protecting local nature. This initiative supports the government's Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) policy, introduced in February 2024, which requires developers to enhance biodiversity by at least 10% for new projects. 

Community Infrastructure Levy

Next step for West Oxfordshire’s Community Infrastructure Levy revealed as the Council strengthens its commitment to boosting local infrastructure

West Oxfordshire District Council is moving forward with plans to introduce a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) by submitting its draft charging schedule for independent examination. This follows an 8-week public consultation last summer, with all feedback now having been reviewed and minor revisions made to more clearly explain the proposed charges.