West Oxfordshire District Council welcomes new Executive Member for Planning and Sustainable Development
Councillor Charlie Maynard has joined the Council’s Executive as the Executive Member for Planning and Sustainable Development after Councillor Carl Rylett stepped down from the Executive for personal reasons.
Councillor Andy Graham, Leader of the Council, said, “I would like to thank Cllr Rylett for his service as the Planning and Sustainable Development portfolio holder. He has done a fantastic job working with officers on improving our planning service and working towards a more sustainable future for the district. I am sure he will continue to do a great job working for the residents of his ward.
“I would like to welcome Cllr Maynard to the Executive and look forward to working with him on this key area of Council delivery as we look to plan for a future for West Oxfordshire that takes into account our need for more affordable homes, tackling the climate emergency, providing support for communities and protecting our environment.”
Councillor Carl Rylett said, “It has been a pleasure serving on the Executive of the Council, working for the people of the district on what is incredibly important portfolio planning for the future of our area.
“I would like to thank all my councillor colleagues, residents and community organisations who have worked with me along with all the council officers who have provided me with support. I will be taking a step back from the Executive but continuing in my role as a ward member, supporting the residents of Eynsham and Cassington ward.”
Councillor Charlie Maynard said, “It is an honour to be stepping up to the Executive for West Oxfordshire District Council. We have an ambitious agenda around our plans for the future and I look forward to working with councillor colleagues and communities to bring those ambitions to life, creating a West Oxfordshire that is fit for the future.”
The Planning and Sustainable Development portfolio on the Council’s Executive includes responsibility for:
- Local Plan
- Government planning policies and guidance
- Conservation and Historic Environment
- Landscape and Biodiversity
- Development Management
- Ensuring planning policies meet 2030 requirement
The change in Executive Members was made at the Executive Meeting on Wednesday 15 November.