West Oxfordshire District Council prepares to issue £150 Council Tax Rebate to eligible households
West Oxfordshire District Council has now received guidance from the Government on how to distribute the Government’s Energy Bills Rebate scheme. Residents who pay their Council Tax by direct debit will be among the first to receive payments in April 2022.
Councillor Suzi Coul, Cabinet Member for Finance, said; “With the increasing costs of energy bills and the rising costs of living in general, we are pleased that the Government is able to step in and provide these £150 rebates to those eligible. This will provide much needed relief to residents.
“If you are eligible, please sign up to pay for your council tax via Direct Debit on our new online payment system, OpenPortal. This is the easiest way to ensure we have your bank details on file and can issue the £150 rebate as quickly as possible directly into your bank account.
“We will send out more information on the rebate and on how to set up an OpenPortal account in your council tax bills in the middle of March. Alternatively residents can set up an account by visiting westoxon.gov.uk/openportal.”
OpenPortal is a new system set up for residents to view their bills and information online. The system also allows for business rates accounts to be viewed online, as well as any benefits claims. By signing up to OpenPortal, residents can move to a paperless system for their bills.
Contrary to some reports, the ‘rebate’ will not be taken off people’s council tax bills when they are issued but will be a separate payment.
Residents who are eligible but unable to set up an online account via OpenPortal will be contacted separately by the Council with information on how they will receive the rebate. The Council is currently working with providers to determine the best way to make payments to those not online and will be providing the information as soon as possible.
The Council is also looking to set up a discretionary fund to support households who may be in need of support from the Energy Bills Rebate but are not eligible. More information on this scheme will be released in the coming weeks.
Contact Information
West Oxfordshire District Council Communications Team
Notes to editors
To find out more visit www.westoxon.gov.uk/150rebate