West Oxfordshire District Council considers its technical response to the Botley West Solar Farm proposal
At a meeting on 24 February, the Development Control Committee will be considering the Council’s response to the Botley West Solar Farm proposal that has now been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for determination.
In this stage of the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) process the Council plays an important role in providing a view on the main issues of the development proposal that is now being considered by the Planning Inspectorate.
The Committee will be discussing a 'relevant representation’ to the proposal, covering a range of topics, including the impact on the landscape and its heritage, the environment, and local communities. The agreed response will be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate as part of the formal process for considering the application.
Councillor Andy Graham, Leader of West Oxfordshire District Council, said, “We have been clear from the inception of this proposal that the Council must follow the NSIP application process precisely and correctly and we will therefore provide a well-considered, evidence-based response.
“By taking this approach, we can make a properly informed and impactful submission that will carry more weight. I would urge the Planning Inspector to listen to any feedback agreed by the Committee and this Council.
“We have worked closely with local communities to inform the draft responses to date, and the proposals now being considered by the Committee will be no different.
“We look forward to welcoming residents who wish to listen and attend the meeting, but I would encourage those that do, to check our website for further details. We need to make sure we have a clear and well managed process to ensure the draft response gets proper due diligence before being submitted.”
The Development Control Committee meeting will take place on 24 February at 2pm in the Council Chambers in the Council’s Woodgreen Office. The cross-party committee will consider a draft representation on behalf of the Council that follows the process set out by the Planning Inspectorate.
Interested parties who contact the Council beforehand may get the opportunity to address the Committee if they request to do so before the meeting. Information on how to request to speak is on the council website. The meeting will also be live streamed on the Council website.
As part of the process interested parties are also able to submit their own feedback on the proposals directly to the Planning Inspectorate for the inspector to consider.
It is expected that the Council will be asked to submit a Local Impact Report (LIR) in the next stage of the process which will cover very detailed evidence on likely impacts of the project on the local area. The Secretary of State must have regard to any LIR submitted when deciding the application and the inspector will be asked to give considerable importance to it in determining the outcome of the application. The work to prepare the Local Impact Report is underway.
The Council has submitted consultation responses to earlier proposals highlighting a range of concerns with the including risks to the environment, the impact on communities and the low level of community benefit initially proposed by the developer.
The Council has also previously expressed its disappointment that the proposal will bypass the local planning process, limiting input and decision making at a local level.
The ultimate decision on approval for the solar farm sits with Secretary for State after the Planning Inspectorate provide a view on if they feel it meets the national criteria.
Contact Information
West Oxfordshire District Council Communications Team
Notes to editors
The papers for the Development Control Meeting can be found here
Information for those wishing to speak at the meeting can be found here - https://meetings.westoxon.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=1141&MId=2546&Ver=4
The solar farm proposal has been submitted by Photovolt Development Partners and is classed as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project. The development can only, therefore, be authorised by submitting a Development Consent Order application to the Planning Inspectorate. Local councils play an important role as consultees in this process.
More information on the Development consent Order process and the responses submitted by West Oxfordshire District Council can be found on the Council website - https://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning-and-building/planning-policy/botley-west-solar-farm/
On 13th December 2024 the Planning Inspectorate accepted the Botley West Solar Farm Development Consent Order application for examination. The current pre-examination phase includes a registration period, during which Interested Parties can make Relevant Representations to the Planning Inspectorate. Any parties have until 11.59pm on Thursday 27th February 2025 to submit Relevant Representation to PINS.