West Oxfordshire District Council adopts new approach to developer contributions
West Oxfordshire District Council has put forward its ‘Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document’ for adoption at Full Council in July. The document outlines how developer contributions will mitigate the impact of new housing development in the district.
Councillor Carl Rylett, Executive Member for Planning and Sustainable Development said, “The adoption of this important document gives greater clarity around what contributions will be sought from developers and when; complementing the overarching Local Plan.
“Through consultation with communities, we have also been able to identify the measures that residents feel are most important when mitigating the impact of development, whether that is the provision of green space, school places or transport improvements.
“It is clear that residents value the early consideration of infrastructure when new developments are proposed and that water quality is becoming increasingly important. Through our consultation with residents, the document has been amended to take into account the weight that consultees put on these subjects.”
There are several forms of developer contributions, including Section 106 legal agreements, which can be used to provide new on-site facilities or contributions towards off-site improvements and Section 278 agreements which are used to make permanent alterations or improvements to a public highway. The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is an optional charge that can be set on new development in order to raise more general funds to help improve infrastructure, facilities and services - such as healthcare and community facilities - needed to support new homes and businesses.
The Developer Contributions SPD has been prepared to help explain how these various mechanisms are intended to co-exist and complement each other and, more specifically, what contributions will be sought in West Oxfordshire.
The SPD is aimed at landowners and developers, statutory providers, partners, stakeholders, service providers, Town and Parish Councils and the local community.
For more information on the Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document please visit https://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning-and-building/planning-policy/supplementary-planning-documents/