Sign up now for garden waste collections
A record number of green fingered West Oxfordshire residents are signing up for garden waste licences.
A record number of green fingered West Oxfordshire residents are signing up for garden waste licences.
A total of 32,983 licences have been issued in the last year with almost 60 per cent of households in the District subscribing to the service.
Now residents are being urged to sign up or renew their subscription which runs from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021 and costs £30 per bin a year for a fortnightly collection.
Residents signing up before 8 March will have their licence in time for when the new subscription year starts, and can be sure of not missing any collections from April.
Cllr Norman MacRae, Cabinet Member for the Environment, said: “It is fantastic to hear so many residents are taking responsibility for their waste and we will ensure it is turned into compost used on local farmland.
“It is also a positive development as we continue our commitment to combating climate change.”
Signing up for garden waste collections is quick and easy and can be done using a credit or debit card, either by calling 01993 861025 or online at www.westoxon.gov.uk/garden.