Shared Prosperity Fund - Market Towns asked for improvement ideas
West Oxfordshire District Council has commissioned Heartflood, specialists in place management & development, to identify potential UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) projects to support West Oxfordshire’s Market Towns. As part of this work, Heartflood is conducting a survey to gather the views of the public, businesses, and other local organisations.
West Oxfordshire District Council has commissioned Heartflood, specialists in place management & development, to identify potential UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) projects to support West Oxfordshire’s Market Towns. As part of this work, Heartflood is conducting a survey to gather the views of the public, businesses, and other local organisations.
Executive member for Economic Development, Councillor Duncan Enright, said, "The combination of online shopping, the pandemic and now the cost of living crisis mean our towns need support now more than ever to adapt.
“The feedback we receive from this study will be invaluable in ensuring that we are making the best use of resources to enhance the beautiful market towns in our district.
"We are committed to supporting local businesses, improving the visitor experience and preserving the unique character of each town, through listening to and addressing the needs of our local communities.
“We look forward to hearing the responses and working with the Heartflood team to identify key areas for improvement.”
Chris Gregory from Heartflood Ltd, added, “We are seeking the views of as many businesses and members of the public as possible in each town because, whilst we can call upon over 20 years of industry experience, local views are a hugely important part of the recommendations which we will make.”
The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is part of the government’s Levelling Up Agenda, with funding centred around building communities, supporting local businesses and improving employment and skill building opportunities.
West Oxfordshire District Council has received £1,000,000 from the UKSPF over three years. Revitalising the town centres is one of the Council's key priorities, with potential projects including improved signage and wayfinding, better information for visitors and public realm improvements as well as supporting independent businesses.s. We are committed to developing these areas to ensure that our market towns continue to be great places to live, work, and visit.
The district has several market towns, including Burford, Chipping Norton, Charlbury,Eynsham, Carterton, Woodstock, and Witney, populated by approximately 114,200 residents.
For more information regarding the UKSPF and to have your say, visit: www.westoxon.gov.uk/spf