Michele Mead and Jane Doughty cropped

New roles and fresh face unveiled in Cabinet reshuffle

West Oxfordshire District Council Leader Michele Mead has appointed her new Cabinet following the local elections.

Cllr Mead said: “This is a very strong team combining vast experience with the aim of providing the best service possible to residents. I am excited about the future as we emerge from lockdown and look forward to embracing the many challenges ahead of us.

“Our priorities of tackling the climate emergency, supporting our local economy, helping build strong, healthy communities, delivering affordable housing and making sure council services are modern and efficient, remain and we will continue to work hard to deliver against those ambitions as a council” .

The Cabinet comprises:

  • Cllr David Harvey who has stepped up to become Deputy Leader and will retain his Climate portfolio which includes alternative energy, biodiversity and a commitment to becoming carbon neutral by 2030.
  • Cllr Jane Doughty, a new appointment, who has been handed a Customer Delivery portfolio with a wide-ranging remit from equality and diversity to leisure facilities and community grants.
  • Cllr Suzi Coul who moves from her old Health and Leisure portfolio to Finance.
  • Cllr Jeff Haine who will now be responsible for all areas of Planning.
  • Cllr Merilyn Davies who has retained Housing and Communities covering areas such as crime and disorder, affordable homes and community and public health.
  • Cllr Norman MacRae who remains in charge of Environment, overseeing key activities including waste and recycling, flood alleviation and car parking.

Also announced at the meeting was the appointment of Cllr Martin McBride as Chairman of the Council with Cllr Alex Postan as Deputy Chairman.

Contact Information

West Oxfordshire District Council Communications Team

[email protected]

Notes to editors

Pic shows L-R: Council Leader Michele Mead and Cllr Jane Doughty, Cabinet Member for Customer Delivery