West Oxfordshire District Council Cabinet 2022

New administration to set priorities for the future of West Oxfordshire

The new administration at West Oxfordshire District Council are due to reach out to residents to help set the Council's priorities as they review the Council’s plan for delivering on behalf of residents.

The new administration at West Oxfordshire District Council are due to reach out to residents to help set the Council's priorities as they review the Council’s plan for delivering on behalf of residents.

Councillor Andy Graham, Leader of the Council said; “As the leadership for West Oxfordshire District Council we are very clear that this is your council as the residents of West Oxfordshire, and we want to work more collaboratively with communities and businesses. 

“We are looking at the priorities for the Council and putting in place our plans for what we want to focus on as a wider community and achieve for the local area. 

“We can’t do that without the say of the people living and working in the district. We will shortly launch a consultation with local people to get your views on where we should prioritise our resources so you can help guide our work.”

“We have set out nine draft priorities and the consultation will help shape these and make sure they are right for the district.

“We will launch the consultation later this summer and I would encourage residents to feed back so that we get views from across the district. We want to work hand in hand with local communities, as together, we will achieve more.”

The Council will be launching the consultation on the priorities in August along with setting up sessions to engage local town and parish councils and local stakeholders for their views.

The Council will then consider the updated Council Plan towards the end of the year and vote on whether to adopt it. 

Councillor Graham reiterated; “This is your Council!” 


The full cabinet report can be found at: https://meetings.westoxon.gov.uk/documents/s5694/Review%20of%20the%20Council%20Plan.pdf 

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West Oxfordshire District Council Communications Team

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