If you can imagine it, you can crowdfund it! Council launches ‘Westhive’ community crowdfunding to transform neighbourhoods
Community groups and residents are being invited to imagine a project that would benefit their community and make it happen, as West Oxfordshire District Council launches its exciting new programme ‘Westhive’ community crowdfunding.
The Westhive programme will be delivered in partnership with the UK’s leading civic crowdfunding platform, Spacehive, to deliver and fund projects brought forward by the community.
Councillor Joy Aitman, Executive Member for Communities said: “I am so excited to announce this project, which I know will make a huge difference to our communities. We have always supported and helped to fund community projects, and we will continue to financially support projects, in partnership with communities through crowdfunding.
“Times are really challenging for community groups and finances are stretched. Crowdfunding gives the community the option to back what they want and to make a contribution as small as £2 and every little helps.
“We know that residents are best placed to understand what is needed in their community, whether it’s a new play park, a wellbeing group, a community energy project or a new sports club. The beauty of crowdfunding is that the community, local businesses and organisations will be able to back projects they truly believe in, with the council also pledging up to £10,000 for each project.”
“We are also really interested to hear from younger people who have a brilliant idea that will benefit other young people. This could be starting a new band, or running an event that appeals to you and your friends. Or adults that have an idea for something that would make the lives of younger people better.”
“Westhive is a brilliant way for communities to bring their ideas to reality, and I know that our communities will have the drive and ambition to imagine and deliver what will make the difference locally.’
We have a fund of £120,000 and are looking to invest in projects that will support a number of the Council’s priorities including creating resilient communities, protecting and enhancing the environment, ecological projects and climate change projects.
Westhive is about everyone, so at least £20,000 of the pledge pot will be allocated to the funding of projects aimed at or brought forward by young people, so that they have the chance to take the driver’s seat and make the changes they want to see.
Westhive crowdfund will support, with up to £10,000 projects that require a lump sum of capital or project funding. We want to pledge and support innovative and impactful projects, allowing residents to influence and shape their communities.
People and organisations can pledge as little as £2 towards a project and contributions are only charged if the campaign hits its target.
Spacehive will be leading an online creator’s workshop on 16 October, for people to discuss and develop their ideas, and learn more about how crowdfunding can help bring them to life. You can sign up to the workshop on Eventbrite https://www.spacehive.com/movement/westhive/news