Have your say on building new affordable homes
More than 800 affordable homes have been built in West Oxfordshire over the last three years, figures have revealed.
Since 2017, 506 have been built for rent along with a further 296 owned by residents, making a total of 802.
The statistics come as the Council launches a consultation on its Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) which outlines to developers, housing providers and communities how we will continue to deliver and increase the number of affordable homes in the future.
Analysis of the figures shows that the number of affordable homes being built has increased from 180 in 2018-19 to 469 in 2019-20 following the adoption of the West Oxfordshire Local Plan.
Demand for affordable housing continues to increase with 1,997 applications to the Council’s Homeseeker Plus system as of January this year.
The new SPD sets out guidance on improving affordable housing delivery to help balance demand and supply across a mix of housing and tenure types while sustaining and improving communities and addressing issues surrounding climate change.
A key aim is to secure improved housing affordability through the application of a new ‘Living Rent’ for West Oxfordshire.
Cllr Jeff Haine, Cabinet Member for Strategic Housing, said: “The provision of affordable homes is vitally important to ensure our residents can live and work in the District sustainably and we will continue to seek innovative ways of working with developers.
“We have seen a major escalation in the building of affordable homes over the last year since the adoption of our Local Plan and the new draft SPD is a blueprint to ensure we continue to meet demand.
“We would encourage residents, housebuilders and all other interested parties to take part in this consultation to ensure all views are taken on board as we move forward.”
The draft Affordable Housing SPD is available to view online at www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning-and-building/planning-policy/supplementary-planning-documents/
Hard copies will be made available at a range of locations. For a full list, see:
Anyone wishing to take part in the consultation should email their views to [email protected] or post them to:
Planning Policy Team, West Oxfordshire District Council, Elmfield, New Yatt Road, Witney OX28 1PB.
The closing date is 21 August.