Further support for 'Our House' project will combat homelessness and offer assistance to young people
West Oxfordshire District Council (WODC) is continuing its support for the 'Our House' project, which provides independent living and employment-seeking support to single under-35s across the district.
Cllr Geoff Saul, Executive member for Housing & Social Welfare, said, "It is our responsibility to find effective ways to tackle homelessness in our district.
“In response to the challenges faced by those in our community in accessing homelessness support services, the Our House project offers them their own room in a local shared house for a low rent cost, and the opportunity to enrol in training and apprenticeships to help them get back into work.
"Additionally, if they wish to take on any DIY projects within the home, we offer assistance by providing tools and a skilled tutor to guide them along the way."
“Getting these young people into safe accommodation where they can start their lives is our absolute priority, as well as assisting them on the road to employment. Our goal is to help individuals overcome these challenges by providing a supportive environment where they can start to build a brighter future, which is crucial for those who may not have a support network of their own.”
Our House launched in 2018, and is run by Cottsway Housing in partnership with WODC and specialist support provider Aspire. Funded by the Government’s Community Housing Fund, the project offers accommodation and support to up to 12 individuals, known as ‘trainees’, and offers assistance to get them back into employment, education, or occupational training.
The project takes a personalised approach to assisting individuals in achieving independence and employment; by identifying specific support requirements for each trainee prior to their move-in, tailored support is provided to meet their individual needs. Additionally, Our House residents benefit from valuable learning opportunities and guidance from support workers to help them create personal goals and develop the skills required to improve their employment prospects.
Paul Roberts, Chief executive Officer at Aspire, said, “By offering holistic, person-centred support and working in close partnership with Cottsway and the District Council, we have empowered many Our House project participants to overcome their challenges and flourish over the years, to progress into paid employment and independent living. We are incredibly pleased to be able to continue the Our House project with West Oxfordshire District Council and Cottsway Housing from October 2023."
Wendy Hardy, Head of Housing at Cottsway, said, “Our House provides much more than just a roof over head – it also helps to change young people’s lives by offering them the opportunity to gain meaningful employment and learn how to handle their finances. We’re very proud of what’s already been achieved so far and we’re delighted that the Council are continuing to support this worthwhile project.”
The Council will continue to work together with partners and the community to combat homelessness and ensure safe and secure housing options for everyone. The current funding arrangements were set to expire in October 2023, but the Council's commitment to the safety and well-being of its residents has led to the decision to continue supporting this vital initiative for a further year, until November 2024.