Fly tippers fined £400 following reports from the public
A fixed penalty notice has been issued to illegal fly tippers following members of the public witnessing and reporting the crime and an investigation by West Oxfordshire District Council officers
Councillor Norman MacRae, cabinet member of Environment at West Oxfordshire District Council said “Fly-tipping is a crime which blights our community and is a risk to human health and damaging to the environment. It is disgraceful that our beautiful countryside is tarnished by these fly tippers.
“As a District Council we work to find those involved and make sure they are hit hard in the pocket with fixed penalty notices of £200 to deter further dumping. There are many ways for people to get rid of their waste safely and responsibly through kerbside collections, waste recycling centres, bulky waste collections or many other methods.
“If you witness fly-tipping please contact us with any information you may have and we will investigate. You can provide information safely and anonymously.”
In this case two people in a car were witnessed driving down the side of a retail property in Chipping Norton and dumping rubbish from the vehicle at the rear of the shop.
Council officers investigated the fly-tipped rubbish, finding evidence that enabled them to trace the waste to the vehicle that had been spotted dumping the waste.
Both occupants of the vehicle who were from the same address were given fixed penalty notices of £200 under the Environment Protection Act 1990 .
Everyone has a 'duty of care' to ensure household or business waste is disposed of in the correct fashion. When fly-tipping takes place it is investigated and when traced back to the responsible individual they could face a £200 fixed penalty notice or court proceedings
If residents witness fly-tipping any information they gather can be passed on to the council to help in investigations.
Information on how to dispose of waste can be found on the District Council and County Council websites.
You can report fly tipping using West Oxfordshire District Council's website - https://westoxon.gov.uk/environment/fly-tipping/