District Council help kickstart young person’s career in tackling climate change
New starter Jacques, a 23-year-old graduate, has joined West Oxfordshire District Council as a ‘Climate Kickstarter’ to help local residents reduce their carbon footprints and tackle the climate emergency.
‘Kickstart’ is part of a Government funded scheme which allows young people aged 16 to 24 to gain valuable experience in the workplace. Jacques has joined the Council as a climate officer for six months with funding from the scheme. He has genuine interest in climate change so the Kickstart placement is giving him the chance to work in a field he’s passionate about whilst being mentored and coached in the role.
Cabinet Member for Climate Change David Harvey said; “We are pleased to have Jacques join the team in West Oxfordshire; a team that is working hard to create a carbon neutral district for the future.
“Jacques' role at the Council is to promote and deliver solutions in partnership with residents, helping them to achieve a cleaner, greener future. This could be achieved through considering renewable energy generation as well as reducing emissions.”
“We are working hard to put the climate emergency into every decision we make and Jacques will assist in continuing to deliver our message and work with communities to achieve carbon reduction.”
Jacques will be supporting the team that delivers the Council’s work programme in response to the climate and ecological emergency, contributing to a number of initiatives covering land management, the circular economy and climate communications. Jacques is currently working on a project aimed at evolving a socio-environmental toolkit as well as helping on the ground with soil testing in our open green spaces and hedgehog highway mapping.
Jacques said “I was interested in this role because climate change is something that I am passionate about. This role enables me to make a difference on the ground with the communities in West Oxfordshire. I am working with great people, I have found everyone to be very helpful and supportive.”
Contact Information
West Oxfordshire District Council Communications Team
Notes to editors
The scheme creates jobs for 16 to 24 year olds who are in receipt of Universal Credit who are at risk of long term unemployment. The funding covers wages for the staff member for 25 hours per week for 6 months.
West Oxfordshire District Council declared a climate and ecological emergency and made a pledge to become a carbon-neutral council by 2030. In early 2020, the council published a report on Climate Action for West Oxfordshire to set out a proposed framework for:
- developing a Carbon Action Plan to deliver our carbon-neutral commitment
- developing a Climate Change Strategy for West Oxfordshire