Community Infrastructure Levy consultation begins
West Oxfordshire District Council is seeking to introduce a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for certain forms of residential and commercial development, to help fund the provision of new and improved infrastructure across the district.
An 8-week public consultation on a new draft ‘charging schedule’ will be open for comment from 2 August to 27 September 2024.
Executive Member for Planning, Councillor Hugo Ashton said:
“This is a positive step forwards for the Council and will enable flexibility with how and where infrastructure is funded.
“The Community Infrastructure Levy is a standard charge that can be placed on most forms of new development to help fund local infrastructure such as transport, flood defences, schools, green space and community and cultural facilities. The amount payable will be fixed and will be based on the size of development proposed.
“There are several developments for which CIL will not apply. Some of these include residential annexes and extensions, self-build housing and some social housing. First homes and some charities will also be exempt from the levy, though any relief will need to be applied for.
“We are consulting on the draft charging schedule, so please do take part and let us know your thoughts.”
CIL does not replace Section 106 developer contributions, which apply to larger schemes and are used to directly mitigate the impact of the development they apply to. CIL will be applied to smaller developments that are not generally subject to Section 106 contributions, and as such will provide flexibility and help to address the cumulative impact of small-scale developments.
A draft CIL charging schedule has been prepared and is ready for consultation. Please go to https://yourvoice.westoxon.gov.uk/en-GB/projects/cil-dcs and have your say.
After the consultation closes, officers will review the responses received and unless any major concerns are raised, the charging schedule will be submitted for independent examination later in the year.