Housing - money house

Community Infrastructure Levy and West Oxfordshire’s strategic sites - a clarification

Following misleading Press reports on the application of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) to strategic housing sites, Cllr Jeff Haine, Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning, has made a statement.

“It has been erroneously reported that West Oxfordshire District Council has decided to implement a zero-rate Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for five strategic housing schemes in West Oxfordshire.

“This is not the case as the Council has only decided to publish the draft CIL charging schedule for a six-week public consultation. A decision to implement the charge would be made later, following independent examination, which would consider any comments or concerns.

“Any decision to formally adopt the CIL charging schedule would then be taken by full Council.

“The five strategic housing developments included in the West Oxfordshire Local Plan are at West Eynsham, East Chipping Norton, East Witney, North Witney and the Oxfordshire Cotswolds Garden Village.

“These are all significant developments with a requirement for affordable housing of up to 50 per cent and generate a need for significant investment in infrastructure.

“Charging CIL would mean imposing a significant development cost for each site and so warrants careful consideration. Viability assessments are currently ongoing for the sites concerned.

“It should be emphasised that CIL complements planning obligations including Section 106 legal agreements which provide major infrastructure such as roads and schools.

“Significantly, many local authorities choose to exempt or zero-rate their strategic sites from CIL on viability grounds.”

Contact Information

West Oxfordshire District Council Communications Team

[email protected]

Notes to editors

CIL is a charge on developers designed to support additional infrastructure