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Businesses urged to be patient as grants continue to be paid out

Businesses are being urged to be patient regarding Covid-19 grants as the Council finance team continues to assess applications against the backdrop of a rapidly changing national situation.

To date the Council has paid out £1,059,264 to 642 businesses from the mandatory and discretionary schemes for the lockdown ending on 2 December.

A further £38,340 has gone to 45 pubs which remained closed or which could serve only drinks over the Christmas period.

Applications covering the Tier 4 restrictions period from 2 December to 4 January are in the process of being assessed along with payments to pubs where food comprises up to 50 per cent of their income.

The Council finance team is also now reviewing fresh Government guidance for the new lockdown with a one-off top up grant for retail, hospitality and leisure businesses worth up to £9,000 per property to help businesses through to the spring, depending on rateable value.

Further information on the new scheme can be seen here:

Cllr Toby Morris, Cabinet Member for Resources, said: “We appreciate business concerns and our team is working incredibly hard to process applications as quickly as possible.

“An already highly complex situation has been made more so by the new lockdown and I would urge business owners to be patient and we will process payments as soon as we can.”

Contact Information

West Oxfordshire District Council Communications Team

[email protected]