Are you ready for the local elections?
Voters encouraged to make sure they are registered ahead of May local elections.
Voters across West Oxfordshire are being encouraged to make sure they are registered and have their voting arrangements in place ahead of the deadlines so that they can vote in the local elections on 5 May.
Giles Hughes, Returning Officer for West Oxfordshire District said, “I would urge everyone to make sure they are registered ahead of the required deadlines so that they have the chance to have their say in this year’s local elections.”
“For anyone interested in voting by post this year they need to make sure they apply for their postal vote before 5pm on the 19 April 2022. I would encourage people not to leave it to the last minute and apply sooner rather than later.”
In West Oxfordshire 16 district council seats will be up for election on the 5 May and over 100 seats on local town and parish councils.
To take part in any election anyone over the age of 18 must be registered in the area they live in. Some people eligible to vote may not be registered and therefore will not be able to cast a vote. This may be because they have recently moved or are voting for the first time.
Residents can register to vote through the Government website which takes only five minutes to complete. The last day to register is 14 April. Residents should visit www.gov.uk/register-to-vote
Polling cards will be sent to registered electors from Monday 28 March with information of the polling station. Voters will also be able to check their polling station by visiting www.wheredoivote.co.uk.
If postal voting is the preferred method for taking part in the elections, applications need to be submitted before the deadline of 5pm on 19 April.
People can also vote by proxy - where another individual casts a vote on a registered voter’s behalf when that individual can not vote themselves. To be able to use a proxy vote applications must be in by 26 April by 5pm.
Voters can apply for postal or proxy voting by visiting the council website at westoxon.gov.uk/elections or calling 01993 861410.